Estate Planning

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You Can’t Afford NOT to Do an Estate Plan

You Can’t Afford NOT to Do an Estate Plan

Are you delaying your estate planning because you worry about costs or believe you don’t have enough “stuff” to warrant it? You’re not alone. Many people think estate planning is unnecessary unless you have significant assets. But the truth is, you can’t afford NOT to...

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The Case for Marriage as an Estate Planning Tool

The Case for Marriage as an Estate Planning Tool

Marriage can offer many benefits for estate planning purposes in Nebraska, largely due to the legal and financial protections and privileges granted to married couples under the law. It may not be the most romantic thing ever, but there are benefits to being legally...

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Iowa Inheritance Tax Changes

Iowa Inheritance Tax Changes

What was the previous system? Iowa had a system that charged an inheritance tax. An inheritance tax is a tax charged to beneficiaries for the right of receiving assets. Iowa’s inheritance tax was imposed on anyone who was going to receive assets, either through a will...

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Steps to Administer an Estate in Nebraska

Steps to Administer an Estate in Nebraska

When you lose a loved one, it may be difficult to determine what you need to do next. The grief associated with losing a loved one can obscure the next steps regarding managing and distributing someone’s assets after they pass away. Legal Jargon Before we go through...

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Does Nebraska Have an Inheritance Tax?

Does Nebraska Have an Inheritance Tax?

“… but in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin.    No truer words are spoken in the case of inheritance tax, although not every state has it. And if you're wondering, "Does Nebraska have an inheritance tax?"...

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4 Reasons to Plan Ahead in Estate Planning

4 Reasons to Plan Ahead in Estate Planning

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Benjamin Franklin’s oft-quoted adage rings all too true when considering estate planning. Topics such as drafting a will or choosing a power of attorney, which often simmer on the back burner, can quickly come to a head...

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Premarital Agreements

Premarital Agreements

A carefully drafted premarital agreement can help create a culture of talking about money and financial openness in a marriage. It can also provide a framework for an amicable separation of the parties, in the unfortunate event of divorce.

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