Last updated Feb 19, 2025

So You Got Yourself Named in a Felony Warrant, Now What? 
Part III: What to Expect When You’re Expecting… to Go to Trial

shutterstock_170949320-thumb-400x266-65277A felony warrant turns your world upside down. Not only are your freedom and your future on the line – if it’s your first arrest, you’ll have no idea what to expect. This series will give you the basic information you’ll want to know if you or a loved one is facing a criminal charge in Nebraska.

In Part I , we covered your options once you learn of the warrant and what happens once you’re arrested. Part II covered the nitty gritty of plea bargains.

Now, in Part III, we shed some light on what happens between your arrest and trial.

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

If you don’t reach a plea, be prepared to wait a while for you trial. Because of busy courts and legal wrangling, it can take a year or more for a felony case to reach trial in Douglas County, Nebraska.

A lot of preparation needs to happen before a felony trial, which also adds to the wait. Most of the work on your case, in fact, is done before your trial even starts. Some of the work occurs right at the start of the case, so your attorney can try to get your case dismissed or pled down right off the bat. Attorneys for both sides want to know the facts of your case inside and out and put together a game plan both before and during your trial.

To avoid surprises, lawyers on both sides ask questions of witnesses and get documents, physical objects and photos that the other side plans to introduce to the court to support their side of the case.  Your lawyer may conduct an independent investigation by talking to experts, interviewing witnesses, subpoenaing documents and even visiting the scene of the alleged crime. While much of this is done at the very beginning of the case, the work continues to the day of trial; and can take months.

Lawyers also make sure they know the current law that applies to your case before trial starts. Unlike T.V. lawyers, real attorneys don’t carry a catalog of statutes and cases in their heads to recite on demand. Most know the most important ones but the law is huge and changes frequently. That means a lot of pre-trial research and studying so the lawyers know their stuff before they walk into the courtroom.

Magic Evidence: Now You See It; Now the Jury Doesn’t

What evidence the jury sees during the trial and the instructions the judge gives them are crucial to your case. Your lawyer will try to find good reasons under the law to keep the evidence that hurts your case out of the trial through procedural motions.

Additionally, your lawyer will try to convince the judge to use jury instructions that are most favorable to you, while the prosecuting attorney will try to get the judge to use those that are most favorable to a conviction.

Settling On the Courthouse Steps 

All the months of preparation and hard work don’t always end in trial. Sometimes you reach a plea agreement on the day of trial — known as settling “on the courthouse steps.” If that happens, your lawyer’s preparation (and your legal expense) was not wasted. The clarity both sides gained through that preparation and legal wrangling most likely led to the prosecutor’s decision to offer a plea and your decision to accept it.

Get Help Early

The best thing you can do if you are accused of a felony (or any crime) is to get experienced legal help from the beginning. My power to help you as a lawyer can be lessened if my client has done something to damage his or her case before I get involved.

If you need help with a felony or other criminal matter, contact Hightower Reff online, or call us at 402-932-9550.

Next Time…

Watch for Part IV of our felony arrest series: Criminal Sentencing – Determining the Time You’ll do.

This article should not be construed as legal advice. Situations are different and it’s impossible to provide legal advice for every situation without knowing the individual facts. 

Destiney S. Vinzant

About the Author

Destiney S. Vinzant

Destiney S. Vinzant is an associate attorney at Hightower Reff Law with three years of experience. She specializes in both family law and criminal defense, while also practicing asset and property division, child custody and support, collaborative and uncontested divorce, mediation, protection orders, paternity and parental rights, DUI defense, felony defense, misdemeanor defense, and juvenile criminal defense.

Destiney graduated with her Juris Doctor as cum laude from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law. Since then, she has honed her legal expertise through her roles as Deputy County Attorney in both Pulaski County, Arkansas and Dawson County, Nebraska. She is an active member of the Nebraska State Bar Association. In her free time, she loves to read, cook, and spend time with her family, including her Corgi mix, Luna.

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