From drafting a surrogacy contract to resolving unexpected legal needs during the surrogacy process, Hightower Reff Law will handle the legal matters while you build a family. Talk with our skilled surrogacy attorneys in Omaha today.

Competent Surrogacy Lawyers in Omaha
When you choose Hightower Reff Law, you’ll find lawyers who are well-versed in all matters of family law. Our experienced lawyers are here to help families and surrogate carriers navigate surrogacy laws and contract agreements.
Our Process
We understand that fertility and building a family are delicate and emotionally complex topics. That’s why we handle everything with compassion, respect your best interests, and prepare our clients for the long legal process of surrogacy agreements. When retaining a surrogacy lawyer, here’s what to expect:
- Speak with our intake specialists who will understand your needs and pair you with a surrogacy lawyer at Hightower Reff Law.
- Schedule a meeting with your attorney to ask them questions about the surrogacy process.
- Draft and negotiate your surrogacy agreement, which will include details about compensation, medical care, and what happens if the surrogate changes their mind.
- Represent you in settlements or court. If the surrogacy agreement is not followed or you need help with post-birth orders, we’ll be with you to protect your rights.
Types of Surrogacy
Surrogacy is an agreement between two parties where a person will carry and deliver a child to term for the intended parent(s). You and your family may consider surrogacy for a number of reasons, including but not limited to:
- People who are in same-sex relationships
- Medical conditions preventing or complicating pregnancy
- Health risks that make it difficult to conceive
- People who are single and still desire to have children
Hightower Reff Law has experience in all types of surrogacy law, so we’ll be an advocate you can trust.
Traditional Surrogacy
In traditional surrogacy, the surrogate will use their own egg and will be inseminated. They will carry the child to term, give birth, and forfeit their parental rights.
Gestational Surrogacy
Gestational surrogacy is typically the most used form of surrogacy. The surrogate does not use their own egg. Instead, the intended parents will opt for assisted reproductive technology (ART) like in vitro fertilization (IVF). Surrogates carry the child, give birth, and the intended parents are given their baby.
Related FAmily Law Services Services
Unexpected legal issues can come up when pursuing surrogacy. By having dedicated legal representation from the Hightower Reff Law team, you’re able to protect what matters to you and your family.
If surrogacy isn’t right for expanding your family, we can help you explore other options to legally bring a child into your home.
After you’ve found a surrogate or intended family, you’ll want to minimize legal risk by creating a clear, binding surrogacy contract. This will not only give you peace of mind, but also recoup your investments if the surrogate decides unexpectedly to keep the baby.
Parental Rights
Our surrogacy lawyers help you understand your rights as intended parents and the surrogate. We’re here to provide you with expert guidance and support throughout your surrogacy journey.
Our Family Law Attorneys in Omaha
You can trust the exceptional attorneys at Hightower Reff Law to help you navigate your surrogacy journey. We will support you from negotiations to birth as you work to build your family.




Frequently Asked Questions
Is surrogacy legal in Nebraska?
Both traditional and gestational surrogacy are performed in the state of Nebraska. However, because Nebraska statutory language does not enforce surrogacy contracts, there is increased legal risk involved with surrogacy cases in Nebraska. Because of this risk, we highly encourage you to speak with surrogacy attorneys at Hightower Reff Law before starting the process.
What happens after a surrogate gives birth?
Some surrogates will include the family of the child during the delivery process. After the birth of the child, full parental rights will be given to the intended parents.
Why should I have a surrogacy lawyer?
While there is no legal precedent for surrogacy in Nebraska, having a surrogacy lawyer is best for navigating complex legal factors such as:
- Negotiations with the surrogate
- Drafting and reviewing documents like the surrogate contract
- Representation in court should there be a dispute
How much do surrogates make?
The average compensation for surrogacy varies based on several factors, including your previous experience with surrogacy, where you live, insurance, and more. Generally, the base pay for first-time surrogates starts at $45,000, while more experienced surrogates typically receive more. Along with surrogacy income, intended parents often pay for travel to doctor’s appointments, small insurance copays, pregnancy-related health supplies, lost income or limited paid time off, and more as agreed upon in your surrogacy contract.
What are the requirements to become a surrogate?
There are several qualifications to becoming a surrogate, including physical and psychological requirements like:
- Being between 21 – 40 years old
- Having a healthy BMI
- Carrying at least one previous, healthy pregnancy to term
- Having a clean criminal record
contact Hightower Reff Law
Have questions about surrogacy laws in Nebraska?
We understand the decision to get a surrogate or be a surrogate is a sensitive issue. Before making any major decisions regarding your surrogacy, contact our office and talk about the process with a qualified lawyer.
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