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Divorce: Property Division & Financials

Divorce: Custody & Child Support

Estate Planning

Criminal Defense

General Practice

Divorce: Property Division and Financials

you have a divorce decree signed by the judge, now what?

you have a divorce decree signed by the judge, now what?

What To Do After Divorce Is Final It’s been a long, difficult process but you finally have the divorce decree signed by the judge in your hands. You may feel relieved and at peace or you may feel sad that your marriage is over. No matter your feelings, the final...

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Divorce: Custody and Child Support

Estate Planning

Does Nebraska Have an Inheritance Tax?

Does Nebraska Have an Inheritance Tax?

“… but in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” – Benjamin Franklin.    No truer words are spoken in the case of inheritance tax, although not every state has it. And if you're wondering, "Does Nebraska have an inheritance tax?"...

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4 Reasons to Plan Ahead in Estate Planning

4 Reasons to Plan Ahead in Estate Planning

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” Benjamin Franklin’s oft-quoted adage rings all too true when considering estate planning. Topics such as drafting a will or choosing a power of attorney, which often simmer on the back burner, can quickly come to a head...

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Criminal Defense

DUI Myths Debunked – Part I

DUI Myths Debunked – Part I

There are a lot of urban legends, tall tales and misinformation going around about DUI laws in Nebraska. In other words, DUI myths. In this two part series - DUI Myths Debunked, Hightower Reff Partner Attorney and criminal law guru Susan Reff sets the record straight...

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General Practice