Last updated Feb 19, 2025

What to Expect from Your Lawyer — The Bill. Five Tips for Controlling Your Legal Fees

At Hightower Reff Law, we do our best to be approachable, be clear about our legal fees, and have a productive relationship with our clients. A big part of that productive relationship is helping our clients know what to expect in all types of cases so they can be realistic about their goals.

How To Manage Your Legal FeesWe understand that lawyers can seem like they’re from a foreign land with their own strange customs and language. And, let’s face it, sometimes (okay, a lot of times) some lawyers seem unapproachable, which can make the client experience less than a good one.

In this series, What to Expect from Your Lawyer, Hightower Reff Law Partner Attorney Susan Reff will give you some useful information to help you understand why your lawyer handles things the way they do and to maintain reasonable expectations regarding your attorney and your case.

This week: The Bill. Five tips for controlling your legal fees.

1. Pick Your Battles

We covered this in detail in the last article of this series, and it’s so important when it comes to controlling your legal fees, that it’s worth repeating.

Money is an important form of “fuel” to help you reach your goals in life in many areas, including reaching your legal goals.

If you’re wondering, “How much does a lawyer cost?” keep this in mind: If your lawyer charges by the hour or by the task, the more issues you choose to fight, the more hours it will take. The more hours it takes, the more money you spend. Unless your money fuel tank is unlimited, you have to decide where to focus your money fuel.

If you spend it all fighting over things that really don’t matter in the end, you may find you don’t have any left for the issues in your case that truly matter to your life and your child’s. Pick your battles and put your money fuel where it counts.

2. Practice Phone Efficiency 

In an earlier article, we talked about what to expect from your lawyer regarding phone calls. Phone calls are a fast way to run up your bill. Remember: each time you call, you get a charge on your legal bill.

Unless it’s something urgent or time sensitive, put off the call if the question can wait until the next time your lawyer calls you, or until you have more than one question. Make a list of these “little” questions that are bound to pop up, and ask them all at once. We recommend that strategy for our own clients.

If you need regular reassuring from your attorney personally, and if your attorney is willing and able, you may want to schedule a weekly phone call with them when you’re in the active phases of your case. That way, you can have peace of mind by touching base at least once a week, and have your “little question list” ready to go for the weekly call.

3. Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

When you talk to your lawyer, stick to the legal issues in your case. As compassionate as your attorney may be, and as much as they may care about your case, they are a counselor at law, not the kind for emotional or mental health support. In other words, your lawyer is qualified to give you legal advice, not emotional therapy.

A licensed professional counselor can be an important support during stressful litigation. Their hourly rate is probably quite a bit lower than your attorney’s and may be covered by your health insurance. Legal fees are 100 percent out of your pocket.

4. Know How Your Attorney’s Firm Bills  

Attorneys can bill by the hour, by the task, with a flat fee or by a percentage of the money you recover. Aside from attorney fees, legal costs like depositions and court costs can add up. So you don’t have any surprises, find out up front your firm’s billing method. You can also ask what costs your attorney expects may be involved in litigating your case.

Also, if your lawyer bills an hourly fee, find what your attorney’s billing increments are. A lawyer who bills in a fifteen minute increment will end up costing you more than one who bills in a six minute increment. For example, at $275 an hour, a four minute phone call will cost you $27.50 at a firm that bills in six minute increments. The same phone call will cost you $68.75 if your attorney charges in fifteen minute increments.

5. Put It In Writing

Signing a Contract for Legal Services with a law firm may seem daunting. But it’s as important for your protection as it is for the firm. The contract sets the rules between you and your lawyer on how your representation will be handled — including fees. Make sure you have a contract that includes clear language regarding the firm’s rates for the attorneys and support staff and the method of calculating your legal fees. Read it thoroughly before you sign.

If there is ever a disagreement about how you’re being billed, a contract with clear terms is priceless. Refer to it in deciding whether billing is happening according to your agreement with the firm.

Let Us Know if We Can Help 

To find out more about Hightower Reff Law and how we can help, call us at 402-932-9550, or contact us online.

This article should not be construed as legal advice. Situations are different and it’s impossible to provide legal advice for every situation without knowing the individual facts. 

Tracy Hightower-Henne

About the Author

Tracy Hightower-Henne

Tracy Hightower-Henne is a founding partner of Hightower Reff Law in Omaha with 16 years of legal experience. She specializes in family law, divorce, mediation, surrogacy, child support, child custody, asset and property division, as well as collaborative and uncontested divorce. Before founding the firm, she worked as a legal associate at Union Pacific Railroad and worked in the corporate tax world.

She is certified in Basic Mediation and Family Law Mediations by the Office of Dispute Resolution, a certified Collaborative Divorce Attorney, a member of the Heartland Women’s Network, and a member of the Nebraska Academy of Collaborative Professionals.

Additionally, Tracy currently sits on the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Nebraska Board and has a passion for supporting young professionals and women in business. Tracy was awarded the 40 Under 40 award by the Midland’s Business Journal in 2018 and in 2021, earned the Ten Outstanding Young Omahans (TOYO) award.

Tracy graduated from the Thomas. Cooley School of Law with her Juris Doctor in 2007 after earning her Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from Doane University. Additionally, she is a 2017 graduate of the Nebraska State Bar Association Leadership Academy and the New Leaders Council. When she’s not practicing law, Tracy loves reading a book on her deck and scuba diving with marine life.

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