Asset & Property Division
We can help you face the challenges of dividing marital debts and assets during a divorce at Hightower Reff Law. Our Omaha attorneys have a keen eye for details and a network of resources to assist with discovery and valuation. We’re here to protect you and your best interests.

specialized counsel for your unique case
Nebraska law dictates marital property should be divided “justly and reasonably” during divorce.
Hightower Reff Law understands that what’s fair in the eyes of the law may not be truly equal. That’s why our property division lawyers work closely with clients to protect the marital property you want.
Should your property division be determined by a judge, the court will consider:
- The financial health of both parties prior to divorce and their employment prospects post-divorce
- The length of the marriage
- Debts accrued during the marriage
- Contributions made to a co-owned or family-owned business
- Contributions made to the marriage (e.g., child care, housekeeping, income, etc.)
- Custody and obligations to children
- Various other considerations that may apply to your specific situation
If you and your spouse are unable to reach an amicable settlement regarding the division of marital property, Hightower Reff Law’s attorneys will work hard to protect your financial interests at trial. Learn more about the dedicated lawyers on your side.
Our Separation of Assets Process
Our Omaha lawyers ensure you and your interests are fairly represented, which is why we give you options on how to resolve your divorce. We take you through the following steps with expertise and compassion:
- Be paired with a property division attorney and discuss fees, required information, and next steps.
- Submit a complete list of your marital assets and their fair market values to your attorney.
- Compile a comprehensive picture of your finances by determining your debts, hidden assets, retirement accounts, other investments, and more.
- Decide if mediation or litigation is the best way to protect your interests. Here, our skilled attorneys will offer guidance after reviewing your finances.
- Either sign a settlement agreement or appear in court for a judge’s ruling, where they will equitably divide your marital property.
High-asset Divorce Cases
Many Nebraska divorce cases involve middle- or upper-middle income families with average assets and debt. However, there are situations where higher- or lower-than-average income or debt requires attorneys with special knowledge and experience. We’re equipped to manage your case regardless of its complexity or your economic status.
Related Services
You only have to tell your story once with Hightower Reff Law. We won’t refer you to another law firm or pass you along to another attorney. Our specialized lawyers are in-house and certified to carry out all proceedings related to your divorce. Along with the separation of assets and division of property, our Omaha lawyers are here for you every step of the way.
Regardless of the type of divorce you’re facing, we provide comprehensive representation in any family law case. If you’re experiencing a divorce or family law issue, we’ll provide clear representation and confident legal advice.
Confident that you and your spouse can reach an agreement on dividing your property and assets? Talk with our legal team about mediation and uncontested divorces today. We’ll help you finalize your paperwork and ensure all of your interests are protected.
Child Custody
Marital property is only one aspect of settling a divorce. Another consideration is the custody of your children. Hightower Reff Law confidently advises you and your spouse on child custody rights while keeping the well-being of your family as the top priority.
Our Property Division Attorneys
Receive professional advocacy at every step of your divorce when you work with the Hightower Reff Law team. We’re on your side.









Frequently Asked Questions
How long does high-asset divorce take?
In most cases, divorce proceedings involving high-asset property division take between 18 to 24 months. The length of your case may vary, however.
Which assets are subject to division during Nebraska divorce cases?
Per Nebraska law, only assets that are considered marital property are subject to division. This means assets owned independently by either spouse prior to marriage are, typically, exempt.
Are assets split 50/50 during a divorce in Nebraska?
No, assets and property are not divided this way in Nebraska. Nebraska is an equitable distribution state, which prioritizes just and reasonable division.
Connect With Property Attorneys
Need committed legal representation to divide your assets and property?
Talk with our trustworthy Omaha lawyers today.
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