Last updated Feb 15, 2023

How to Calculate Nebraska Child Support (Infographic)

This infographic on how to calculate Nebraska child support is a basic tool to help you feel more knowledgeable about your child support case. It may help you get an idea of what your child support award or payment could look like.

Hightower Reff Law is a team of confident, clear, committed attorneys representing clients in the Omaha metro and surrounding areas in family law and criminal defense/dui.

It’s always best to work with an experienced child support attorney like the ones at Hightower Reff Law in Omaha, so they can review your case and run a child support calculation using specially designed Nebraska child support calculation software. This tool will give you the knowledge you need to prepare for your meeting.   Nebraska Child Support Calculator   In Nebraska joint custody cases, (where each parent’s time exceeds 142 days per year) the court will use the joint custody calculation worksheet.

Nebraska child support law can be tricky

Nebraska child support law isn’t always as straightforward as it may seem. For example, in some cases, Nebraska courts may let you deviate from Nebraska Child Support Guidelines, or assign more or less income than you or the other parent actually makes. When a client comes to see us  for child support case consultation at Hightower Reff, we run a child support calculation for them with specially designed Nebraska child support calculation software, and apply our knowledge of state-specific child support law to the facts of their case.

Why a lawyer can make a difference in your child support case

We often find facts that make a difference in child support as we work through a case with a client. For instance, income may not always be as it seems, or as the opposing party claims. Two examples are: when a party is self-employed and what they really earn is different than what’s reflected in their tax documents, or when a party is capable of earning more than his or her current job pays – but chooses not to. The best thing to do if you’re curious about child support is to consult with an attorney who knows Nebraska child support law. This article should not be construed as legal advice. Situations are different and it’s impossible to provide legal advice for every situation without knowing the individual facts. 

For details about the author, Hightower Reff Partner Attorney Tracy Hightower, visit her profile page. Learn more about Hightower Reff’s child support and custody practice here. If you need help with a child support case, contact Hightower Reff Law today and come meet with an attorney experienced in that area of law at the Omaha office.

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